Sep 8, 2014

[twitter] 2014.09.07-08 - BORN x Lycaon EU Tour THE RAMPAGE - Ryoga, Ray, TOMO, K, Mio

I don't have the time to do Lycaon now, but BORN's tweets from yesterday and today are here <3
Please read from the bottom up, as if on twitter.


TOMO: St. Michael's Church

K: That was a nice atmosphere there

K: Since I'm free right now I'll upload a pic!

TOMO: I fully enjoyed Munich!

TOMO: Will you have a late night meal in Japan now hehe *wink*!

TOMO: Lunch was delicious ♪ German beer is so good (*^^*)

Ryoga: Lunch

K: Thanks to everyone who came to the first live in Germany in this rain! The live house also felt nice, so it was really fun! ☆

Ryoga: Munich. Look at K's smile.

Mio: That's the meal [...]. I like how everything is jumbled

TOMO: German beer is so good ♪

Ryoga: That was really fucking hot, Munich. Regardless of not being the headliner tonight we raged so violently we even did an encore. As one would expect from Germany. After that Lycaon were also so cool I just had to dance! See you again!

TOMO: It's early morning in Japan, right!? Excuse me for interrupting (laugh)

Mio: Munich! Thank you! It was super hot! Thank you for shouting my name so much I'm really happy

TOMO: Thank you Munich! It was new for us to do an encore despite being the first band to play (laugh) Thank you!

Ray: This time's Tour T-shirt!This is the BORN ver( *`ω´)

K: Hello Germany~!!

Ray: We have arrived at the live house in Germany _(:3」 ∠)_


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