Jul 4, 2012


the GazettE's fanclub tour has started today, and there was already a minor incident with Ruki's pants...

Ruki: First day at Sendai, good job! It was fun. But my zipper was broken... well, since you couldn't see inside, it's OK, but... (laugh)

Aoi: Don't mind (^-^)/ ౪

Ruki: (´-`).。oO( I see. It's more like that... But the word zipper [chuck] became a HOT word... the window of society is huge, isn't it.

He was playing with the word "shakai no mado", which lit. means "window of society", but it also seems to be another word for zipper XD"... so yeah, the "window" was "huge"..... www

And Aoi has posted a picture of himself on Twitter today ^-^

Aoi: Hello~. This is the Visual kei me.


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